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Manual Lymph Drainage for Lymphedema/Lipoedema
MLD is a gentle site-specific technique used to increase lymph flow, to treat and manage Lymphedema, Lipoedema and post-surgical swelling, reduce pain, help speed wound healing.
$150 / sixty min. / First Appointment
$125 / sixty min. / pkg 2 or more per week
$140/ sixty min. / Single session
Manual Lymph Drainage Facial Treatment
A non- product facial treatment.
Helps post-surgical swelling, reduce pain, help speed wound healing and improve tone and texture of the skin.
$150 / sixty minutes
Manual Lymph Drainage
MLD is a gentle technique used to increase lymph flow, and boosts immunity.
Manual Lymph Drainage is relaxing and good for everyone. This is full body session
$150 / sixty minutes
Scar Tissue Release
Two soft tissue modalities may be used during this session.
Therapeutic suction cups glide across the skin to lift and separate tissue fibers, helps increase mobility and circulation by releasing tissue adhesion and stagnation.
IASTM (Instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation} may also be used to help separate tissue fibers & release adhesion.
Helps increase mobility, blood and lymph circulation as well as improve the appearance of old or new scars. This is a site-specific session.
$150 / fifty minutes
Abdominal Massage
This is a moderate to light pressure massage used to improve lymph circulation, remove adhesion and stimulate peristalsis in the intestines.
$150 / fifty minutes
Wellness Coaching
Learn safe ways to detoxify the body /// reduce inflammation /// manage weight /// boost the immune system response /// move the lymphatic system and increase energy /// Prepare for an upcoming surgical procedure // Manage Lymphedema with and without your Lymphedema team /// Let's put together a plan for improved health today!
$150 / sixty minutes